Kimberly Schols
Kimberly Schols
Artist Bio:
Following her love of art she has travelled and visited many art galleries and museums in the UK and Europe, and studied painting with John Leonard, Pete Rose, Leslie Cochrane, Peter Reid, Brian Atyeo and Dianna Shyne. Kimberly loves abstracted landscapes or still lifes, and combinations of beautiful colours. She believes that paintings can come the closest to capturing the energy and the beauty in nature.
Member since 2015
For Kim's Awards, go to:
For Group Exhibitions, go to:
flight of the lake dancers
24x36 Mixed Media
pine point
11x14 Acrylic
muskoka glow
12x12 Acrylic
muskoka confetti
12x12 Acrylic
Sunset Horse
6X6 Watercolour
night horse
Oil on Canvas 14x18
Desert Horse
Oil on Canvas18X14
Horse friends
Oil on Canvas 16x20
Slice n Ice
Oil on Canvas 12x12
Oil on Canvas 6 x 6
Desert Globe Mallow
Watercolour 8x10
agave Surprise
the look
Acrylic on Canvas 10x10
Oil on Canvas 8 x 8
Acrylic on Canvas 14x18
Acrylic 11x14
Agave Study
Watercolour on Paper 11x8
desert warmth
Acrylic on Canvas 18x24
cactus garden
Acrylic on Wood Panel 12x12
cactus heat
Acrylic on Wood Panel 12x12
snow falling on ironwood
Mixed Media on Wood Panel 9x12
snow falling on Nest
Mixed Media on Wood Panel 8x8
snow falling on tree
Mixed Media on Wood Panel 16x12
spring thaw
Acrylic on Canvas 48x36